Vi vill tacka alla för stödet till Koberwitz, insamlingen resulterade i 3.000 kr.
Här följer ett bifogat meddelande från Walter Hahn
”Would be very glad if you could forward our thanks to all donors. The amount helps us to pay for one month the salary of one of our best co-workers – and that means a lot in these times.”
Warm regards, Walter
Det finns många som jobbar ute i världen och som kontaktar SOFIA för att
få hjälp. Vi kan inte göra annat än att vidarebefordra till er, med
förhoppningen att vi ska kunna få skicka något! Här är den antroposofiska jordbruksorganisationen Koberwitz vädjan:
”We are a small NGO in the Philippines named Koberwitz 1924 after the name and place of Rudolf Steiner´s Agricultural Course, engaged in agriculture, health, nutrition and education or, in supporting anything regenerative, healthy and future-proof from an Anthroposophical perspective. Now in the second year of the Corona crisis, the work is growing constantly while funds have been depleted, both as a result of the restrictions. We urgently need money to keep our work going. Know that the main carriers of Koberwitz 1924 have done this work without pay since 2009, but we have co-workers and ongoing costs that need to be covered to at least keep going..”
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